Frequently Asked Questions
cristodeyautepec Shopping FAQ
How do I order from
Ordering from is safe and easy. Simply find the item(s) you wish to purchase and click "Add To Cart" to add the product(s) to your shopping cart. When you are ready to checkout, click the link "Cart" at the top of the page and verify that all of your selected items are in the shopping cart. Once confirmed, just click the "Proceed to Checkout" link and follow the rest of the provided instructions.
Is it safe to order from
Absolutely. We use industry-standard SSL encryption technologies to ensure that your personal information remains secure.
Why was my order cancelled?
We reserve the right to cancel any order due to, but not limited to: failed credit authorizations, site related malfunctions, and improperly stated pricing and discounts.
Will I be charged sales tax?
Sales tax is applied to all orders shipped in the state of Florida. We are required by law to collect and submit sales tax in states in which we have a physical presence.
What payment methods does cristodeyautepec accept?
We accept all major credit cards including American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover Card.
Please note that at the present time, we are unable to accept payment from credit cards with a billing address outside of the United States or that are issued from a bank outside of the United States.
cristodeyautepec Products FAQ
Does cristodeyautepec offer any sort of product guarantee?
If you are not completely satisfied with your order within 30 days of receipted purchase, we will gladly replace the item or provide you with a full refund.
Please note that we can only issue refunds on personalized items or shipping and handling costs if the return is a result of our error. In addition, returns on items that were purchased with a gift card or store credit will be entitled to item exchange only.